Tech Link Weekly 001

Host(s): Craighton Miller
The Pirate Bay gets unblocked, build a kick ass 4K gaming computer, Microsoft buying Gears of war, and more.
Guest(s): None
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Check out the full show notes for today’s episode.
Running time: 52.18
- Fox to reboot Carl Sagan’s famous ‘Cosmos’ series with Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Dutch ISPs drop Pirate Bay blocks after court rules them ‘ineffective’
- Sneak peek to Avatar, a free and open-source operating system for the Internet with privacy built-in
- Former Federal Communications Commissioner says it’s time to go nuclear on ISPs: Reclassify them as common carriers.
- British government reportedly tracking YouTube and Facebook data without permission
- How To Build A 4K Gaming PC For Less Than $2500 — Ultra HD Monitor, SSD, And Windows Included
- Google to reportedly discontinue beloved Nexus device lineup next year
- How I lost my $50,000 Twitter username
- Who wants competition? Big cable tries outlawing municipal broadband in Kansas
- Verizon CEO: “Eventually, Unlimited has to Go Away”
- Google sells Motorola to Lenovo for $2.91 billion
- One-Ring Phone Scam on the Rise
- Google to reportedly discontinue beloved Nexus device lineup next year
- How In-app Purchases Have Destroyed The Industry
- Microsoft buys Gears of War franchise, new game in development