Youtube to Soon Allow Users to Skip Ads

On Tuesday, senior product manager of Google announced that Youtube will introduce ads that are skippable coming later this year. The senior product manager said that a new format will let users to skip pre-roll ads on videos, and thus the advertisers won’t be charged for the ad. Around the end of last year, Youtube has been studying and playing around with skippable ads and senior product manager of Google said that the last three quarters they seen really great results. He also said that the skip rates are varied by the quality of the ads , which encourages the advertisers to maintain quality of their ads  for viewers to watch.  It will also offer users watching videos on Youtube a choice of ads they want to see in the video.  Hopefully this is a good sign for people watching videos of Youtube to have the ability to skip an ad that is 30 seconds while the videos on less than 10 seconds.