Google Starts Selling Nexus 7 Tablets Four Days Early

You don’t have to wait till Tuesday to get your hands on the new Nexus 7 tablet. Some stores are selling them early, Including Amazon where you can get it here.
In the fashion of announcing things before they are unveiled, Best Buy announced that the Nexus 7 tablet is now available in their online and selected retail stores. Initially, the tablet was not supposed to start selling/shipping till Tuesday, July 30th, but people have been reporting their online pre-orders of the tablet started shipping and is available to be picked up today in their local Best Buy store. But that is not only just preorders getting their devices early, clicking on the link to check stores in your local area will show you that many of the local Best Buy retailers are available to be purchased today (though, in our test of some zip code shows that some stores are not getting it till next week).
In addition to BestBuy starting to start selling the tablet early, some Walmart and GameStop stores have announced that they have early stock and will start selling today. Amazon also has the listing up, but will be on customers doors in one day (if they choose one-day shipping). Customers who are wishing to get their hands on the tablet today should check in with their local retailer to see if they have any available in stock and ready to sell today.
With many retailers selling the tablet early, Google announced that it will start selling the tablet on its Google Play Store early in the US (though other countries has not been confirmed)
While many retailers are starting to sell the Nexus 7 tablet early, it is unknown if Google’s retail partners are planning to release the product early (though it is easier to assume no).