I'm not feeling the LUV Southwest Airlines

Being a college student and choosing a college away from home I periodically have to fly back and forth from Seattle, WA to Spokane, WA – usually for holiday. The best flights from these two cities are flown by Southwest Airlines. They are a low-cost airline flying short hops all around the United States.
I’ve flown them may times before with no issues but it seems lately they’ve been getting worse and worse – maybe because of my luck or just the service. About a month ago I was flying my usual flight between my college and home on Southwest and my flight got delayed for 3 hours for no reason. This was even a late night flight so being delayed for 3 hours I got it at almost midnight when I was supposed to be getting in at about 8pm.
This bad luck has been extended to today when flying home, my flight got delayed for 2 hours because of problems that they won’t be exactly clear with us about. I’m getting increasingly frustrated when my simple one hour flight keeps turning into a three to four-hour adventure to get home. At the time that I spend in the airport and fly there with these delays I could drive the 6 hours back faster than it would take for me to fly.
There are only two options for me to fly to my destination, Alaska Airlines or Southwest Airlines. Although Alaska charges slightly more for their flights between the two cities I almost find it worth it, even on a college budget, to pay for the Alaska Airlines ticket because they are consistently on time and don’t delay their flights for more than two hours.
Southwest calls themselves the LUV airline, well I’m sorry to say Southwest I’m not feeling that LUV.