PowerTrekk Fuel Cell Charger

Although cell phone chargers work does its job for most people; what happens when there is no power? Sure, a USB external battery will get you by for a day or two, but it will not get you the power you need for long periods of time. For those who need power for those long periods of time, you need a portable power generation system.
Over at the PowerTrekk booth at CES 2013, the company is showing off their Fuel Cell Charger. The Fuel Cell Charger works by pressurizing a tablespoon of water into their sodium silicide cartridge; which extracts the hydrogen from the water (H2O), producing 5 volts, 2 amps worth of power. In addition to the power generation process, the device also comes with a 1500 mAh rechargeable battery to charge the unused amps the fuel cell charger is producing, reducing the waste of unused electricity.
The device is $199 for the system and each 3 pack of sodium silicide cartridge is about $10 to $12 and is available at REI sportsmen stores. This is a perfect device for those who want emergency electricity during natural disasters or for those who cannot get to a grid for long periods of time.