Sites Prepare for a Protest Against The NSA on July 4th

Many high-profile websites are taking part in an online protest against the NSA’s surveillance on people’s privacy. Websites that plan in the protest include, Mozilla, Reddit, Cheezburger, 4Chan, EFF, and EFF; just to name a few. Websites that will not participate in the protest are services who cooperate with the NSA in the PRISM reveal including (not shockingly) Google and Facebook.
If you are feeling that the protest tomorrow is the same as another protest that happened a year ago, you are not wrong. The protest against the NSA has similar to the internet blackout experienced in early 2012 in fight against SOPA and PIPA. Though the protest has similar characteristics to past high profile online protests, this protest will not be as major. This online protest is directed as a media and website takeover. On the day, users will see the 4th amendment placed over sites with banners, as well as blogs and TV ads. As of right now, no sites will be blacked out coming July 4th, but the websites that are participating would be directed to a website where users can sign an online petition, make donation, call congress, or join a local protest against the NSA.
As of right now, the online petition against the NSA snooping, StopWatching.Us, has already gained over 500,000 signatures. The petition demands the US congress to investigate PRISM allegations and asks for “legal reforms to rein in spying and that public officials responsible for this unconstitutional surveillance be held accountable for their actions”. It is very likely that the site will get more petitions coming tomorrow when websites, participating in the protest, directs users to websites like StopWatching.Us.
Here is a video of the ad.