Skype Launches Skype Video Messaging

With services like Glide, many companies are jumping on the quick video messaging service. Recently, Skype announced that the video messaging, which was previously marked as beta, is now being officially released with the latest Skype software.
With video messaging, users can create a video voicemail rather than relying on both sides to be online and connected to Skype. Users can record a message (up to three minutes) and send it to another user do that the user can watch the video when he or she is online.
While the service was in beta, free users were limited with the number of video messages they were allowed to send though premium users were allowed unlimited use with the service. But, when Skype announced that the video messaging service would get a formal release, they announced that the service will be free without any restrictions. All users are allowed to send and receive as many video messages in Skype for free.
To send a video message, tap on the video message button followed by the record button. When you press the record button, you have three minutes to record your message. You can re-record and delete the recording if you don’t like it. When you are ready, click on the envelope icon to send the video message.
As of right now, video messaging in Skype is supported on Windows and Macs as well as iOS, Andorid, and Blackberry. Who is not on the list is Windows Phone, which is rather strange since Microsoft owns the communication service. It can be a possibility that the company is making a version of Skype to give deep integration with Windows Phone and allow users to have visual voicemails on their phone.
Skype has released a video demonstrating how to use the device.