Sony To Build Virtual Reality Headset For PlayStation 4

While Microsoft is adding more issues to its Xbox One gaming console, Sony is pushing for more innovation with theirs.
According to Eurogamer and CVG, Sony is working on building a virtual reality gaming headset as an accessory to the PlayStation 4. Though it was originally planned to be announced at GamesCom in Germany last month, it was scrapped and pushed at the last minute.
Though Sony is said to be unveiling a VR type of device for the PlayStation 4, it is not the first time the company has been experimenting with these devices. A year ago, Sony showed off their MHZ headset, a device that allows you to watch 3d Blu-Ray movies (and play games depending on the model); but the device did not make any big announcement due to its high price tag compared to things like the Oculus Rift.
As of right now, the device is said to be similar to an Oculus Rift though did not state as an optional or required accessory for the PlayStation 4. It has been said that the headset has been demonstrated internally with the racing game, DriveClub. Even though it was scrapped earlier this month, Sony plan to announce this device soon at the Tokyo Game Show
Now with more games adopting virtual reality devices, what would be next advancement in gaming? A device that lets you be completely immerse in a game with just your mind? (If you know what show I am thinking, place it in the comments).