TechWeekly Appearance

I was recently invited to appear on a popular podcast called TechWeekly.
 I would just like to thank Nick and the rest of the PBCastTV staff for having me on. Below is the episode and show notes.
- Verizon adds NFL Live for Next Season
- CBS March Madness App for iPhone adds support on 3g and EDGE
- iPad Orders Friday Rumor has 90,000 on First Day
- What is SXSW?
- Playstation Move
- Aviary comes to Google Docs!
- Engadget Reviews the Entourage Edge
- Android Set top Dish Network Boxes with Google TV Programming Search
- Steam comes to the Mac
- Foursquare iPhone App Update
- Foursquare and Starbucks Team Up for Heavy Users
- Backflip will only run native Android Apps
- PS3 on a push for 127M units…..if so outselling the Wii and the Xbox
- Feel free to add more if you want!
- Nexus One Adds ATT and Rogers 3g Bands
- MediaGazer
- ReadWriteWeb
- LogicLounge
- If you don’t mind adding one or two!
- If you run a small buisness or a blog with multiple people try out Google Apps!
Video of the Week