The Facts and Truths About HDMI Cables

We may all think that HDMI cables are not alike, but the truth is that every HDMI cable is basically the same. You shouldn’t be breaking the bank to buy a smile HDMI cable. We have our explanation and suggestions on what a HDMI cable is and where you should get one on the cheap.
If you go to a big box store to get your HDMI cables, you might over spend even on the cheapest cable that you may find. One of my first experiences with buying an HDMI cable I went to a certain blue colored store to get a cable. While I was looking, the least expensive cable that I found was around $30. When I consulted an employee they tried to up sell me with a simple HDMI cable costing more than $60. In my experience, if you’re paying more than $20 for an HDMI cable, you’re spending way too much.
The truth about HDMI cables are very simple, they’re a completely digital cable meaning that the signal is made up of 1s and 0s. With HDMI cables you either have a signal or you don’t, as long as you’re getting signal over the cable your experience with any HDMI cable is going to be the same. Cable manufactures who claim that their cables provide a better signal are lying. The only exception is cables over 30 feet where due to the digital signal you might need to get different equipment.
Another common claim is gold plating is what you need, this isn’t necessarily true. Gold plating is there for corrosion resistance, and unless you live in a very humid place or the cable is being used outdoors you don’t need it.
The best places that we recommend you get your cables are Monoprice and Amazon. You can get very cheap and reliable cables with fast shipping and service that hasn’t failed us yet.