WordPress Challenge 2011

Welcome to 2011, it is a new year and a fresh start for most. Avid followers of WordPress may have noticed a post put out by the WordPress crew over this new years. It is a seemingly good challenge for anyone interested in online blogging or finding a reason to blog more.

The simple challenge from WordPress is to write at least one blog post a week. For non-professional bloggers that can be very overwhelming. The caring people over at WordPress have put together a simple blog, called The Daily Post, to help you post once a day or just once a week. The Daily Post will post ideas for users once a day asking a wide range of questions that you can pick from and answer.

If you interested you can easily participate, any user simply needs to state his intentions then tag posts with “postaday2011″ or “postaweek2011″ throughout the year. WordPress will use these tags to track participants and when a user signs up for the RSS feed on The Daily Post, they will get simple reminders and encouragement to keep their postings in high spirit.

For users with existing blogs they can simply tag their posts, and you are not limited to just WordPress based blogs, users can use Tumblr, Posterous, or any micro-blogging platform they see fit.

Join in and add this as a goal for your 2011 resolution. If your participating let us know in the comments!