Bing Is The Default Search Engine For The Kindle Fire HD

Even though Amazon’s Kindle Fire is running on Google’s Android platform, it does not mean that Google is the default each engine.
Eliane Fiolet from UberGizmo is reporting that Microsoft’s Bing search is the default search engine on the Kindle Fire HD’s Silk browser after noticing that “The search box is powered by Bing” when getting some hands on time with the device.
This news comes in despite the fact that the Kindle Fire backend is Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Even though the Kindle Fire HD has the backing of Google Android software, most of Google’s apps and services has been stripped from the device. Previously, the Kindle Fire’s default search engine is Google. Removing Google Search from the device removes all of Google services except the fact it can run Android apps.
It may be possible that Microsoft has paid Amazon to make the Kindle Fire’s default search engine to Bing. In the last year, Amazon has sold 4-6 million Kindle Fires, a large amount but not enough to mop Google’s floor; but it is enough to give Bing some more use than before.
As of right now, it is unclear if you can change the search engine in the Kindle Fire as UberGizmo did not check if it is possible to switch to another search engine; but we expect that it will have the option to switch search engines as nearly every browser have the option to do so.