CES 2012 Day Two Overview with Justin Bieber

It’s the end of the second day of CES 2012. We’ve gone hands on with tons of products and have an overview on the hottest announcements at CES today.
– Justin Bieber helps announce mRobo music robot
– NVIDIA shows off their developer Tegra tablet
– Toshiba shows us their 5.1-inch prototype tablet
– Sharp gives us a view into their 8K slim displays
– Plextor released their slim SSDs in 24nm and 7nm sizes
– We get a view of the Lumus wearable display glasses
– Mercedes-Benz shoed off their new in car system called mBrace2
– Audi Connect was also previewed and powered by NVIDIA technology
– Ubuntu TV was previewed as well
– Karotz rabbit electronic Twitter, Facebook and RSS voice reader controlled by iOS or Android
– Feedair ticker got a glance at a scrolling display for RSS feeds by USB and WiFi.
– Boxee Box showed off their USB dongle for use on your home computer or theater
– We saw three new products from Blue microphone
— Spark is an iPad microphone that you can use to pickup instruments and voice recording. It also has a USB cable to use on your computer too.
— Mikey is an on iPhone recording device for CD quality audio and gain controls.
— Tiki is the most interesting that is an auto muting microphone so it won’t give off your voice when your typing or talking to someone else around you.