Dropbox Reaches 100 Million Users, Offers Free Space For Stories

Today the leading cloud storage site, Dropbox, announced they have reached 100 million users. Its user base has quadrupled in the last year and shows no signs of stopping. The service in the past year has been giving out more space like it was candy. They offered free space to those who get Android devices or if you just complete a couple of simple steps. With increased storage options up to 1TB at a very cheap price, how could you go wrong with Dropbox?
Of course they’re not the only cloud storage service on the market, Google recently released Drive and Microsoft has their SkyDrive that are in both competition with them.
Dropbox controls a lot of data but is still considered a small company and still butts heads with the biggest companies including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and even Apple. Having a huge head start on each of these companies with cloud storage, Dropbox wants to focus on streamlining their service and building in features that their users want.
In celebration of Drobox passing 100 million users, the cloud storage company is holding a competition for free space. “Dropbox stories” has been setup to share your story about Drobox in 140 characters or less. You can then vote on the stories and the top users can gain 10GB or even 100GB of life time storage if they’re in the top percentage of votes for their story.