Evernote To Integrate Skitch Into Their Service

Evernote To Integrate Skitch Into Their Service

Since the acquisition of Skitch, a screen capture and annotation app for the iPod, iPad, Android, and Mac operating system, Evernote has never done anything to the application. Things are going to change with that app in the next few weeks, with the program moving closer to Evernote.

To strengthen the Skitch service, Evernote is planning on moving to integrate the Skitch service into its core service and to add syncing, searching, and sharing. According to reports, the changes will start on October 10, 2012, after updates are made for the applications to point to Evernote servers, Skitch.com will terminate its service.

Though users will be unable to sign into their Skitch account starting October 10,2012, the contents of Skitch will be archives. Public and unlisted images will remain accessible after the date, but private images will be unavailable after October 10. Evernote has said in their knowledge base, to

  1. Sign in to Skitch.com and go the the Skitch Image Download Tool to get started.
  2. Choose either “Download Private Image History” or “Download Image History”, then confirm your email address.
  3. Skitch will collect and compress your image history (this may take a few minutes).
  4. You will receive an email from the Skitch Team with a link to a zip file once the process completes.
  5. Click the link and download the file.
  6. Double click to open it and select which images you want to save in Evernote.
  7. Drag your image history onto the Evernote app icon, or into any Evernote notebook. If you have any problems with bringing your images into Evernote, please contact our support team.

Since the acquisition of Skitch, Evernote users has been suggesting the integration of Evernote’s service with Skitch’s capture and annotating service. Now after many suggestions, Evernote is doing what the people demanded.