Facebook Integration with iOS6 [RUMOR]
![Facebook Integration with iOS6 [RUMOR]](https://static.logiclounge.com/content/images/wordpress/2012/06/new_apple_logo.jpg)
I guess better late than never. A lot of rumors are surfacing the internet that Apple’s next version of iOS, iOS 6 (code-named “Sundance”), will be more integrated with the social network, Facebook (alongside the other known social network, Twitter from iOS 5). Instead of requiring the user to use Facebook’s standalone app, the service will have Facebook service built into the operating system. As of right now, if an app wants to use Facebook services, it will require the app to open the standalone Facebook app, leaving the current app opened. With the integration of Facebook in iOS 6, apps that require Facebook authentication will not have to cut the Facebook app to get authentication, cutting the need to jump ships to do things.
This is after many hints from developer previews and Tim Cook statements at the D10 conference a few days ago. In development versions of iOS 5 to iOS 6, evidence of Facebook was shown in the software that was delivered to developers. Also, a few days ago at the D10 summit, Tim Cook said that..
“Facebook is a great company…And the relationship is solid….stay tuned.”
Although Apple may integrate Facebook with iOS 6, it seems like the integration will only cover authentication permission initially. Since Facebook has many different services and things on their site, it is more complex to do all of it. Well, lets just hope that Apple has made a good decision with adding Facebook into iOS 6 this late, as Facebook stocks are down more than $10 from its initial public offering.
One thing is most likely solid: Apple will highly not integrate Google + into iOS 6.