Microsoft XBox E3 Recap

Microsoft has announced many new things for their XBox and also to Windows 8. They announced that they stepped up from being the top video game console in America to the top video game console worldwide. Although they did not announce a new console being the successor to the XBox 360, they announced many new addition to their XBox live service and to Windows 8 also.
Microsoft starts out with the announcement of the next version of Halo, Halo 4 with the showing of a trailer and game play footage. The game play footage shows the famous Master Chief traversing through the jungle and chasing the Covenant. It is followed by many enemies flashing through the screen. The game includes more weapons, new ways of interacting with the game (with the addition of the Windows 8 integration into the game) and a heads up display. The only comment in the trailer/gameplay is that Cortana is acting more like a. Halo 4 is said to come out on November 6, 2012.
Followed by Microsoft announcement, Microsoft shows off Ubisoft’s new Splinter Cell game, Splinter Cell: Blacklist. The demo shown in the video shows the ability to use the Kinect’s voice control in the game to help with certain tasks, like issuing orders and commands.
Following the Splinter Cell game, EA Sports announced new soccer game with FIFA 13 and football with Madden 2013. Both games will take advantage of the Kinect’s voice. On the Madden 2013, you can announce calls into the game. In FIFA 2013, you can call for formation changes and call in substitute. One thing EA demonstrated in FIFA 13 that you can get a yellow card for swearing at the referee (wellyou referee).
With the other of some games, Microsoft shows the Microsoft Glass as a way to connect the mobile devices. With support for most mobile operating system (Windows 8, Windows Phone 7, Android, and iOS), the mobile device can share information and use it as an additional controller with the XBox 360. Microsoft demonstrated the ability to send videos from a Windows 8 tablet to a XBox and share IMDB data on the tablet (similar to Apple’s Airplay). With games and service, the mobile device acts as a touchscreen controller in which a XBox controller would not be an efficient tool.
With the addition to Microsoft SmartGlass, Microsoft enhance the entertainment abilities, adding HBO GO, ESPN live, and 35 new content providers. Microsoft also adds a music service called XBox music for XBox, Windows 8, tablets and phones; replacing the long abandoned Zune service (remember them). Also with more content providers, Microsoft extends XBox live Bing Search with gene navigation and adds 12 more countries to the support list.
Competing with Google Chrome on Google TV, Microsoft has announced that they are bring Internet Explorer 10 (the best browser to download another browser) to the XBox 360 which uses the Kinect’s voice command service, removing the keyboard and saying “no one is using them” (well, what about that keyboard attachment to the XBox 360 controller).
With more games and services like Nike to help with exercises, Capcom’s Resident Evil 6, South Park: The Stick of Truth (Jesus with an automatic weapon) where you play as a new character, Tomb Rader, Dance Central 3 with Usher live dancing; Microsoft finally shows the new Call of Duty Game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. With Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, they showed new game plays from the game.
While Microsoft starts off showing the new games and services for the XBox 360 and even some things for Windows 8 (you sure you are in the right conference?), there is still more announcements from Nintendo and Sony. Will Sony create more of a surprise than Microsoft?