Google Fiber Announces Expansion to Austin, Texas

Even though Google has a nice place to test out their new fiber service, they need to expand. After their successful run in Kansas City, Google Fiber next pit stop will be Austin, Texas.
A couple of weeks ago, Google sent out invitations to 100 community leaders and elected officials to come to an announcement stating that it will provide “positive impact on Austinites and the future of the city.” The invitation hinted to the idea of Google Fiber rolling out to the city, but also suggested of announcements other than Google Fiber, like an additional Google faculty in the city.
The announcement Google was going to make became more clear in the recent days. On April 6th, Google accidentally published a post on their fiber page congratulating Austin, Texas on the next city for the expansion of Google Fiber. Since the slip of the tongue on their website, Google had removed the announcement.
Though Google removed the post celebrating the city for the expansion from their website, the thought about Google coming to Austin, Texas was almost set to stone.
On Tuesday, April 9, at 11 a.m., Google finally announced the rollout of Google Fiber in Austin, Texas. Like Google Fiber in Kansas City, Google Fiber in Austin will be 100 times faster than other server providers; offering 5Mbps download, 1Mbps upload for just the $300 construction fee, gigabit internet for $70 per month, and gigabit internet and television service for $120 per month.
Now Austin, Texas has Google Fiber. Which city will be selected next.