Google Tests Google Shopping Express In San Francisco

Need to get that milk and eggs from Nob Hill Foods, that polo shirt from American Eagle, a case of printer paper from Staples sent to your home/business in less than a day? If you live in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area, you now can.
Recently, Google unveiled Google Shopping Express, a delivery service offering same-day delivery in San Francisco and the Peninsula (from San Mateo to San Jose). Under the service, stores like Target, Walgreens, Staples, American Eagle, Toys R Us/Babies R Us, Office Depot, San Francisco’s Blue Bottle Coffee, Raley’s Nob Hill Foods, and the Palo Alto Toy & Sport will be available for same day delivery service, with more to come.
When using the service, users will browse though the local stores online, in one place, select a 4 hour delivery window (or anytime) on that day, and receive the package in front of their doorstop.
Even though the service will be great for the people in the Bay Area (try getting a item from a store in rush hour traffic), the service has its skepticism. Google’s commerce and payment service, Wallet, has been meet with problems. During Google’s I/O registration, many users were unable to process their payment for a ticket into the conference; either not being able to process their Google Wallet in the 5 minute window or having their payment cancelled due to “Unable to notify the merchant of this order. ” As more and more users are using Google Wallet, we can expect the same issues like the event happened during Google’s I/O registration.
As of right now, the service is expected to cost around $64-$69 a year with select early users receiving 6 months free; though the pricing plan are a general estimate as the pricing will be re-evaluated at the end of the test.
Users in the Bay Area can go to this form to see if they will be selected for the service.