iPhone 5 Hinted For a June Release

It sounds like people should wait on getting a new iPhone. On April 2nd, Japanese television media outlet digital 7, TV Tokyo (who airs much of the Japanese anime in Japan and the world) is reports that a Foxconn recruiting office is notifying potential employers that the iPhone 5, the 6th generation of the iPhone line, is expected to go on sale on June (original post here, Google translated post here), 5 months after the release of the iPhone 4S.
The report, part of a more broad report about Japan Display, shows that TV Tokyo crew sent a woman to a recruiting office for Foxconn. The recruiting office is stating that they need 18,000 people to help manufacture the iPhone 5. Around the 7 minute mark on the video, the recruiter says in response to a question about the iPhone 5 in translated Chinese “Because it seems it will go on sale in June.” This follows with another report from Daiwa Securities in January that a summer release is expected for the new iPhone.
The report has caused the twitter community in Japan on fire with the new information coming from TV Tokyo. Though based on the new naming scheme Apple has done with the new iPad, the iPhone will most likely not contain a model number/model name, rather it will just be called the new iPhone.
Though reports are hinting that the new iPhone is slated for June, it is hard to say that this is exactly true. It may be possible that the recruiter was misinformed or had accidentally said something that is false. The report and video can be found at http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/mv/wbs/newsl/post_18230 if you want to take a peak.