Rovio Releases Angry Birds: Star Wars

As if Star Wars wasn’t in the news enough recently, they’ve made it back in but with a delightful twist. This time in the form of a game from those birds you love, Angry Birds. Rovio, the makers of Angry Birds, somehow licensed the name from George Lucas, now Disney, and made the classic Angry Birds game with a Star Wars twist.
After being released at midnight on November 8th, there was a huge push to download the game that the link shortener Rovio was using to serve up the download link to their game, failed. It seems to be back up and running now with the game freely able to be downloaded. Just like the games before it there are two flavors, an iPhone/iPad touch version (iTunes Link) and an iPad/iPad mini version (iTunes link). The game play is exactly the same on both versions, just the optimization of the screen size has been changed.
I was able to get the game relatively quickly from the iTunes store and the gameplay is quite good and brought back memories of when I watched Star Wars. Just as you’d suspect all of the birds in game are dressed like the main characters from the famous movies including Skywalker, Princess Leia, the Wookie, C-3PO, Darth Vader, and more.
When you dive into the game itself you’ll find the birds have lightsabers, you can use the force, and enjoy general destruction caused by the characters from Star Wars.
If you’re a fan of the Star Wars franchise and want to play a game of defeating the dark side in a fun and casual way, Angry Birds: Star Wars is worth it to check out.