Select files on MEGA Are Now Indexed On A Third-Party Site

One year after the raid on Megaupload, Kim Dotcom released MEGA with 50GB of free storage and in-depth encryption. Files are more secure and encrypted than its predecessor and can only be accessed with specific encrypted links.
It seems that just after the release of MEGA a third-part site is up to index those files uploaded to MEGA, but with a twist. is a website that is aiming to index files on MEGA but it’s not actively searching MEGA for files. The website relies on users to submit their own links in order to build up a database of files on MEGA.
When you search the site and find the filed you want, clicking the link takes you to MEGA where the user can download the file to their computer or to their own MEGA account. The whole site relies on crowd-sourcing to build up an index and files that users want to share. This is mainly because you need a description key with the link to the file to be able to download, that’s where the user comes in to post their link with the decryption key to access the file.
With a little research the domain was registered on the same day MEGA was released and seems to be listed as the domain owner being in Denver, CO. Although, this is a little confusing when you look at their Facebook page which is written all in French. The domain registered uses the .me TLD (Top-level Domain) and is own by the country of Montenegro, which conveniently is outside of the U.S. jurisdiction to take down.
If you wish to submit a link to the website you’ll need the MEGA link, the file name with its extension, and the size of the file. As pointed out, the last two submission field will soon not be required as the site evolves.
Only time will tell if governments will try to go after this site with legal action or a full take down.
[Source: Ars Technica]