Tech Theory Live 006: Not Another Apple Episode

Apple news dominated the feeds this week with iOS 6 and the company supposedly ditching Google Maps for their own application. We talk about the latest iPhone rumors and what Apple is doing to expand the functions of iCloud. Next we take a swing at Windows 8 for not supporting DVD codecs and blocking Mozilla Firefox from use in Windows RT. Do you think that the new $100 Xbox 360 is a deal? Think again, we break down the costs and break down where you’d lose money. Then we talk about Google+ and how Hangouts aren’t really that awesome. All those stories and more on this weeks podcast!
Tech Theory Live is recorded from a Google+ LIVE Hangout where you can watch us live every Saturday at 5PM PST on Google+ which is hosted by Craighton Miller.
Show Links:
- iOS 6: Apple drops Google Maps, debuts in-house ‘Maps’ with incredible 3D mode
- iCloud beta website reveals plans for Notes and Reminders web apps, affirms iOS 6 beta coming soon
- iPhone 5 design still not finalized, still no big screen, still no metal back, still on track for October release
- New iPhone Rumors Reiterate Claims of Smaller Dock Connector, No Change to Screen Aspect Ratio
- Apple changes name of ‘iPad WiFi + 4G’ to ‘iPad WiFi + Cellular’ in many countries following international criticism
- Mozilla: Firefox would be crippled on Windows RT
- Facebook Is Killing Text Messaging, Report Says
- Windows 8 Will Not Play DVD Videos On Most Versions
- Sources Say AOL Seeking Buyers for Engadget and TechCrunch, Arrington “Not In The Least Bit Interested”
- Foxconn Chief Reportedly Making Preparations for Apple Television Set
- Google Enables Google+ Hangout Live To the Public
- [Update] $100 Xbox Kinect Bundle
- 4G iPhone 4/4S sleeve pre-orders now being taken
- Adobe Launches Creative Cloud and Muse, Augments iOS App Offerings
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[via TechTheoryLive]