Twitter Releases Realtime Activity Streams
In a big announcement from Twitter today, we finally get realtime activity streams added to accounts. This feature allows users to view what’s happening on Twitter in relation to your account. A second feature added to Twitter today, adds a tab to your account called “Activity” that provides a quick overview of the latest Favorites, Retweets and Follows from the people you follow on your Twitter account.
The release comes from Twitter’s blog and outlines what they set out to do:
Today, we’re rolling out two new features on that help you discover more on Twitter. You can now see when someone favorites or retweets one of your Tweets. You can also learn which Tweets are most interesting and inspiring to the people you follow.
Twitter’s new feature allows users to see what’s happening on Twitter in relation to their own Twitter account. To access this new feature, click on your username on your account homepage and you’ll be redirected to see what of your Tweets are Favorited and be able to see the latest Retweets of your tweets. The new feature also allows you to view Tweets directed to you and anyone who is now following you.
The second new feature added to Twitter is their new Activity tab. It allows a user to discover the latest Favorites, Retweets and Follows of the people you follow on Twitter in a single continuous stream.
This is a great discovery feature for users just joining Twitter. Trying to find the right people to connect with and follow to customize the service to your needs is the hardest thing. With the new Activity tab, Twitter helps the problem and lets you see who others are connecting with.
Check out some screenshots of the service below: