Why You Shouldn't Buy an iPad Mini

The long anticipated iPad Mini finally got announced today. While many Apple fans will swarm Apple stores all over the country to get their hands on the new device, I was rather disappointed with Apple’s release. This is not to say that I am under the belief that the iPad Mini is a bad device; I simply believe that Apple could have produced a significantly better device.
The iPad Mini is intended to be a hybrid between the large 10″ iPad and the rather small 4″ iPhone. Apple saw the gap between these two devices and decided to take an iPad 2, shrink it, and throw it on the market for $330. Google, however, recently released the Nexus 7 for only $200 and included a quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 CPU and a higher screen resolution. Apple, however, used out-of-date hardware and advertised it as if it was something new.
It’s almost shocking to see Apple perform such a lazy job on such a highly anticipated product. The only aspect that the iPad Mini has over its obvious competitor, the Nexus 7, is the .9″ larger display. The larger display would look great if the resolution on the device wasn’t 1024×768. The Nexus 7 features a smaller screen, yet, a higher resolution. Apple could have easily triumphed over the Nexus 7 display if they implemented the Retina technology into their device. Could they be saving this for a future update?
Overall, I do not believe that Apple has too much to offer inside of the iPad Mini and do not think it is anything worth waiting in line for. While it may be more convenient to use and to transport, it’s certainly not anything we haven’t seen before. Do you believe there is a reason for this? Is Apple running out of ideas or is this part of their strategy? Let us know by leaving a comment down below.