Memefy Your Life With Memefier

We’ve spoken about camera replacement apps for iOS before, but today we bring you the ultimate replacement app for your inner troll. Meet Memefier, a facial recognition based camera app for iOS that adds memes to your photos in real-time. By default, the app chooses from a pool of random memes to place on people’s faces, however you’re also given the option to set custom rage faces for the app to select. Once you’ve shot your photos, the app has built-in sharing to Twitter, Email, or Facebook. Of course photos are also saved to your camera roll so you can do whatever your heart desires to them.
The app features a clean and easy to use gesture based interface that will get you started in no time. If you aren’t happy with the included selection of memes to choose from, the app also allows you to download extra content via in-app purchases. At the moment there are six packs available for $.99 each, however you can choose to download all of them at once for just $1.99
To my surprise the facial recognition present in this app works amazingly well. With little to no delay when displaying a rage face on your victim, I was amazed to see how well the iPhone 4s processed visuals in real-time.
Trolling your friends has never been simpler with Memfier. The app is free in the App Store for a limited time, so grab it while it’s hot!