Three iPad 2 Variants To Be Released In 2011

By now we are all aware of the two current iPad variants, the lower priced Wi-Fi iPad and the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) iPad. We have been well aware of both of these iPads for a long time. Now, according to the popular rumor mill site DigiTimes, there will be another iPad variant coming into game with the iPad 2 release in 2011.

In the DigiTimes article, they report that the iPad 2 will include a Wi-Fi, UMTS, and a CDMA variant. With the added integration of a CDMA chip, Verizon-like carriers will be able to provide the iPad on their wireless network. Apple has orders to ship about 500,000 units in January with shipment ratio of Wi-Fi, UMTS and CDMA models at 3:4:3.

In addition to the new wireless functions, Apple is also working on an improved anti-smudge and anti-reflective system for the upcoming iPad 2. Currently 60-65% of current iPad shipments are 3G models, indicating that most of the iPad consumers prefer the 3G model of the iPad.