Google+ For Tablet Hands On

One of the more minor announcements today at Google I/O 2012 was the announcement of a tablet version of the Google+ application. Available today for Android and soon for iOS you can get a nice tablet interface for Google+ natively on a tablet. We are very thankful for Google finally releasing a tablet version of the widely popular social network.
One of the highlights of this app is the ability to view more information in a nice and tiled interface, at lease in the Android tablet version. Just like we saw with Jelly Bean the interface is in a card like design with the users picture on a card that gives the information of the post provided. Overall the app is pretty responsive when browsing around except for when images are loading in it might be a little slow due to the tablet trying to load up all of those images.
Your menu system is hidden away behind a button and it offers the same menu choices that you already have access to plus a dedicated Hangouts page that allows you to view any active hangouts going and lets you join them straight from the device with a front facing camera.
The overall quality of the app is very good, with a little buggy ness when navigating around, but overall we think that this tablet version of the Google+ app is well worth it and great for anyone who has a tablet and want to use Google+ on it.